First Level Control | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

First Level Control

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Before submission to the Joint Secretariat, each partner financial claim must be verified and validated by an independent controller. This process is carried out by a qualified first level controller to verify that the expenditure incurred to implement the project complied with the relevant EU, national, regional, institutional and programme rules as well as with the provisions of the subsidy contract and the approved application form. The main aim of the controls is to provide a guarantee for the Managing Authority, the Certifying Authority and, most importantly, for the project itself, that costs co-financed under the Interreg 2 Seas Programme are accounted for and eligible.

Bloc 1

Designation of the first level controller (FLC)

It is the responsibility of each Member State to designate the first level controllers for partners located on their territory and participating in a project. In practice, this means that each partner needs a controller that is authorised by its Member State.

There are three systems in place:

  1. centralised control at Member State level (system in place in Belgium – Flanders)
  2. decentralised control through controllers selected from a central shortlist (system in place in France)
  3. decentralised control through First Level Controller selected by the project partner and approved at Member State level by the Central Approval Body (CAB) (system in place in UK and The Netherlands)

Click here to download the contact details of the CABs. You will also find these in the documentation center below.

Bloc 2

First Level Control Guidance

Please find here the guidance created specifically for First Level Controllers. Here is a presentation that is used at FLC seminars.

Both documents are aimed at supporting First Level Controllers in understanding the different types of verification, aspects on the reporting procedure, details on the different budget lines, etc.

Bloc 3

First Level Control Checklists

Please find here the FLC checklist for the on-the-spot administrative verification.

Please find here the FLC checklist for the on-the-spot physical verification.

Bloc 4

First level control report on suspected or established cases of fraud

Please find here a template for the reporting on cases of suspected or established fraud.

This template should be filled in by the FLC and sent directly to the Joint Secretariat