Reaching new heights together | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën
Contenu entête

Interreg 2 Seas Annual Event | 29 - 30 September 2022

Reaching new heights together

This year's annual event will highlight the achievements of 2 Seas cooperation, and will explore new destinations for the future.

Get ready to reach new heights together!

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(If you do not have login details, you will need to create an account.)


Texte 04

Practical information / Whova

Download here the practical information for the annual event.


To improve the overall event experience for attendees, we have chosen to work with Whova.

One of the most exciting features of this mobile application is the meeting planner, which can be used by attendees and exhibitors to plan and manage one-to-one appointments.

Furthermore, Whova will present you with event documentation, a personalised agenda, community groups based on the different event workshops and last but not least, the app will give you access to the virtual exhibition.


Do not worry. Whova is not rocket science.

Download the Whova guide for attendees and get started in no time.


Get Whova Now

Contenu carte
Fokker Terminal
Binckhorstlaan 249
2516 The Hague