Reminder Beneficiary survey

Reminder Beneficiary survey
A new year has been launched with 12 new chapters and 365 new opportunities. The Interreg 2 Seas team wishes all of you a wonderful, happy and healthy 2019, seasoned with a nice dose of inspiration and passion to achieve your goals.
The start of a new year also brings the perfect occasion to reflect on how you would like the Joint Secretariat to design its assistance; the set-up of our events and trainings, the way we present the Programme website and newsletter, our social media activity. All of these actions are meant to support you as a project applicant or partner of an approved project.
We would like to learn from you what we can do to improve these measures. Filling out the beneficiary survey only takes a couple of minutes, but makes an important difference. Thanks to your feedback we can tailor our efforts to your needs and as such help you in delivering quality projects.
Click here to go to the beneficiary survey.
Much appreciated!