Triple-A urges cities to encourage energy efficient home renovations
Triple-A urges cities to encourage energy efficient home renovations
Do you want to lower the carbon footprint in your city? Are you as a local authority or other organisation convinced that home renovations can play an important role in this matter? Do you want ideas on how to foster sustainable renovations in your city?
Triple-A might get you on track!
This Interreg 2 Seas project gathers local authorities from Belgium, the Netherlands, France and the United Kingdom. Together with two universities and a utility provider, these local actors promote better Awareness of, Access to and Adoption of low-carbon technologies among households.
Here’s an overview of the involved partners:
- Belgium: Antwerp, Mechelen, Energy Saving Ostend, Ghent University and Eandis
- The Netherlands: Breda, Rotterdam and Delft University
- The UK: Kent County Council
- France: Picardy Pass Renovation
Triple-A focuses on the implementation of four interlinked actions:
- Enhancing web communication
- Testing home energy monitoring systems
- Setting up pop-up consultancy centres
- Installing real-life demos of technologies for energy efficient retrofitting
Have a look at the Triple-A website or read the project brochure attached to this message. These will give you inspiration on how to inform the inhabitants of your city to apply low carbon measures in their homes.