Output library
Welcome to the Output Library, your inventory for exploring the tangible achievements of 2 Seas projects from 2014-2020. To browse outputs effortlessly, you have different options at your disposal. Refine your search using our intuitive filtering system based on output themes, types, and targets. The themes menu presents a double filter: the first seven correspond to our Specific Objectives, while the remaining ones are related to outputs’ secondary themes, to be found underneath the project name in the inventory. Clicking on any of these will reveal all related themes, along with the number of results found for that combination. Additionally, our enhanced search bar allows you to search through project names or output titles. Outputs now feature clickable icons, leading you directly to the Output section of the Project page they belong to, providing comprehensive information about the project.
- Support to innovation 45 Apply Support to innovation filter
- Technological innovation 103 Apply Technological innovation filter
- Innovative social services 95 Apply Innovative social services filter
- Low carbon technologies 45 Apply Low carbon technologies filter
- Climate change 72 Apply Climate change filter
- Resource efficiency 27 Apply Resource efficiency filter
- Circular economy 71 Apply Circular economy filter
- Ports 31 Apply Ports filter
- Water management 28 Apply Water management filter
- Social economy & entrepreneurship 9 Apply Social economy & entrepreneurship filter
- Services to SMEs 25 Apply Services to SMEs filter
- Agriculture and horticulture 40 Apply Agriculture and horticulture filter
- Marine resources 19 Apply Marine resources filter
- Integration and education 31 Apply Integration and education filter
- Innovation in cities 45 Apply Innovation in cities filter
- Industry 34 Apply Industry filter
- Healthy Ageing 16 Apply Healthy Ageing filter
- Health care 63 Apply Health care filter
- Health & Wellbeing 25 Apply Health & Wellbeing filter
- Energy 67 Apply Energy filter
- Adoption of technologies 46 Apply Adoption of technologies filter
- Ecosystem resilience 48 Apply Ecosystem resilience filter
- Pilot and demonstration action 140 Apply Pilot and demonstration action filter
- Method/service 139 Apply Method/service filter
- Strategy/action plan 61 Apply Strategy/action plan filter
- Feasibility study 47 Apply Feasibility study filter
- e-infrastructure/online tool 31 Apply e-infrastructure/online tool filter
- Infrastructure/building 31 Apply Infrastructure/building filter
- Prototype 29 Apply Prototype filter
- Network 14 Apply Network filter
- SMEs /enterprises 146 Apply SMEs /enterprises filter
- Local, regional and national authorities 132 Apply Local, regional and national authorities filter
- Water management organisations 44 Apply Water management organisations filter
- Maritime industry and logistics sector 39 Apply Maritime industry and logistics sector filter
- Citizens 37 Apply Citizens filter
- Health institutions 27 Apply Health institutions filter
- Universities, research and training centres 26 Apply Universities, research and training centres filter
- Nature and coastal management organisations 17 Apply Nature and coastal management organisations filter
- Business support organisations 14 Apply Business support organisations filter
- Social enterprises and non-for-profit organisations 13 Apply Social enterprises and non-for-profit organisations filter