Providing Access to Childcare and Employment
Priority Axis
Technological and Social InnovationSpecific objective
Social Innovation
Lead partner
Stad MechelenContact
Start Date
01/10/2016End Date
31/03/2021Project budget
6 551 263 €ERDF amount
3 930 758 €ERDF rate
Common challenge
The PACE partnership gathered around issues concerning childcare, as they were convinced it is crucial in enabling many families with young children to combine work and family. They realised that in the 2 Seas area childcare was far from universally accessible: formal care was sometimes too expensive or difficult to access, while informal care depends on the family’s network and specific needs among other things. Based on research identifying the lack of affordable childcare as a major barrier to employment (Resolution Foundation, 2014) and because it reflected the conditions in the 2 Seas area, thirteen project partners decided to test new models of supporting parents into combining childcare and work. By supporting families to access quality Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) services, PACE could strive to improve incomes, enhance participation in society and reduce child poverty. In fact, research also shows that the impact of good ECEC on children's development is visible throughout their school career. (Sylva, Melhuish, Sammons, Siraj-Blatchford and Taggart, 2004).
Overall objective
Main outputs
Cross border approach
Main Achievements
PACE came to a close in March 2021. The project has increased the access to childcare for 697 families. At the end of the project, 169 childcare workers were trained in engaging parents. Cooperation with welfare and employment services have been created, resulting in 544 parents for whom the distance to work has been decreased. Nearly 500 parents have gone through a PDP, have learned soft skills, and have learned labour market skills. In the research area 107 childcare centres adopted the tested method. The partnership also created a feasibility study which serves as a legal document and a practical handbook has been written in 3 languages on the "PACE method/model". It offers some concrete suggestions/models on how to do so and it outlines how flexibility can be achieved and at the same time provides stories and real-life testimonials. The findings are disseminated through the existing website, where useful theoretical and practical documents can be downloaded, next to the PACE movie and the webinar that took place in September 2020.
Partners were particularly proud of the manner in which they handled the covid-19 impact on the project. In fact, every project found ways to still work on the project and help children and parents and furthermore, they sought alternatives to physical events and meetings when needed.
The PACE team also produced even more than was initially foreseen in the application form (e.g. business toolbox: this toolbox explains how to organize accessible and flexible childcare businesswise. The toolbox consists of a folder, four concrete examples of business models and a template of a business model canvas that you can complete yourself. Also some top tips for businesses, childcare providers, employment agencies and training providers).

The project has increased the access to childcare for 697 families.
…the different regions are still using the PACE learnings/findings and in some cases PACE is fully implemented in the daily routine.