AGE INdependently | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën


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AGE INdependently

Priority Axis

Technological and Social Innovation

Specific objective

Social Innovation

Lead partner

Boulogne sur mer Développement Côte d'Opale - BDCO

Date de début


Date de fin


Project budget

4 295 715

ERDF amount

2 577 429

ERDF rate


    À propos

    Common challenge

    The continuous increase in the number of elderly citizens poses a challenge for cities as they struggle to meet the growing demand for services tailored to their needs. Currently, there is a predominant focus on addressing the loss of autonomy among the aging population, yet insufficient efforts are directed towards proactive measures to prevent this decline and facilitate the elderly in remaining at home. This issue is further worsened by inadequate urban planning and real estate market considerations, as well as a lack of coordination in social and health services. Additionally, a lack of awareness and limited digital literacy contribute to the complexities surrounding the care of the elderly population.
    Surveys show that 80% of the elderly prefer remaining in their homes rather than be relocated to an institution. 'Aging-in-place' is critical to life satisfaction and quality of life.
    However, very little is done towards preventing the loss of autonomy and helping them remain in their homes. France and Belgium do have grants for home care adjustments, but the scale of this is currently too small to face elderly’ needs. In the UK, a lack of solutions and a rising number of hospital admissions of older patients due to accidents at home had been noticed, with delayed discharges due to their inability to self-care at home. AGE’IN answered those challenges. 


    Main Achievements

    At the end of the project, the partnership successfully implemented 7 outputs. The guide "Bien vieillir chez soi" was designated and published. Several trainings were organised to explain how to apply the guide within organisations. 
    Visits to the pilot flats were organised with the elderly population to show them innovative solutions to help them stay at home despite their age. The smart kitchen was available for this purpose at Vives (Belgium) and two houses were completely renovated and functionally laid out for wheelchair accessibility in Bruges (Belgium). The flats adapted to seniors in France were finalised at the end of the project.
    Partners were highly involved in the publication of the magazine that reported all the best practices done by all partners. 
    Partners invested strongly in the international dissemination of the project results. They did this through a cross border strategy to detect loneliness. They invested in spreading this knowledge during the covid restrictions through a podcast called the Growcast. Methodologies, actions and lessons learned while implementing these in the neighbourhoods were presented in a magazine called the Magage’in. Both products are being disseminated through the Age’in website, international events such as Age’inFit (Lille), the international Age’in end event Brugge, the 2 Seas annual event in The Hague.
    Project partners gained expertise in study material for the occupational therapists, as well as different student projects will continue to take place concerning technology or screening of houses. The knowledge gathered about testing and implementing technology was included in the bachelor healthcare technology of the Belgian academic partner. 



    The Age’in project gave us the space to experiment, to share insights and to test them.

    Alana Boone, policy officer, Gel Lokaal Sociaal Beleid




    OCMW Brugge

    Stad Brugge

    VIVES Hogeschool

    CCAS Boulogne sur Mer - Centre Communal d’Action Sociale

    Centre socioculturel Audrey Bartier

    CS - Clubster Santé

    CSE de Saint Martin Boulogne - Centre Social Eclaté


    Habitat du Littoral

    SEM Urbavileo/Habitat du Littoral

    Ville de Boulogne-sur-Mer

    WAC Zeeuws-Vlaanderen (WAC)

    Age UK - Cornwall and The Isles of Scilly

    University of Plymouth - UoP


    Output title
    URL / Download


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealthy Ageing

    Living pilots to test and demonstrate various house adaptations and public spaces

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Universities, research and training centres


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealthy Ageing

    Mag'AGIN: inspiring overview of pilot actions in order to reduce loneliness and improve seniors social life

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealthy Ageing

    Set of pilot actions to improve the offer of adapted houses and public spaces

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealthy Ageing

    Tests in living labs to improve current technologies and products

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Universities, research and training centres


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealthy Ageing

    Set of demonstration actions to empower 55+ to better adapt their housing to remain independant at home for longer

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealthy Ageing

    Joint strategy to detect isolated or "at risk" senior people and identify their weaknesses and specific needs

    Type: Strategy/action plan
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealthy Ageing

    Pilot actions focussing on building social networks around social isolated people

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities