Energizing Coastal Regions with Offshore Renewable Energy
Priority Axis
Technological and Social InnovationSpecific objective
Technological Innovation
Lead partner
Bluespring B.V.Contact
Date de début
01/01/2020Date de fin
31/03/2023Project budget
9 641 802 €ERDF amount
5 785 081 €ERDF rate
60%À propos
Common challenge
Europe’s waters are an untapped source of renewable energy able to deliver 25% of our energy demand by 2050, 10% from tidal & wave energy and 15% from offshore solar. The 2 Seas region is uniquely positioned: The Channel, North Sea and Delta's connect the regions and store abundant and unexploited energy from sun, wind, tides, currents, and waves. This Offshore Renewable Energy (ORE) can power households and industry.
The ORE sector is emerging rapidly and has the ambition to become a global industry leader. 2 Seas companies could tap into a global annual market worth more than €100 billion. The sector is hindered in this ambition, as new prototypes are not developed based on a standardised protocols integrating previous lessons learned. The lack of this standardised prototype development is a significant market failure in the sector, as certification following standardised development is crucial for further capital investment in companies, bankable projects, and scaling-up the sector as a whole.
Overall objective
Main outputs
Cross border approach
Main Achievements
The ENCORE project kicked off in early 2020 and its goal was to advance four offshore renewable energy solutions in terms of technological innovations and commercial uptake. The project was granted a 9-month extension due to COVID-incurred delays and was closed on the 30th March 2023. For the first time, international standards developed under the International Electro-technical Committee (IEC) have been applied in a structured way to reduce risks and validate the performance of four pilot projects. In parallel, the companies developing the innovations prepared for capital raising. All learnings from the project were captured to create a route-to-market strategy and to create online learning courses targeted at young professionals entering the sector.
In Early 2021, Bluespring took over the Lead Partner role from Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC). The transition came naturally when the framework contract between DMEC and Bluespring terminated. Bluespring was responsible for the project's inception, funding application, and management as a sub-contractor to DMEC. Throughout 2020 and 2022, Service Providers provided support to the 4 Technology Developers, including reviews of the Basis of Design, manufacturing plans, O&M plans, test plans, and commercial support.
W2E installed the 100kW vertical axis tidal turbine in the port of Flushing, integrated into a discharge sluice and delivered power to the grid until end of 2022. After lab testing of the Symphony Wave Power in Sines, Portugal, TT moved and rebuilt the set-up to The Netherlands for further completion of the Power Take-Off and testing. OOE deployed a 200-kW pilot at 12km off the coast of Scheveningen at the Offshore Test Site and conducted extensive environmental and performance monitoring. After scale testing at a cooling water channel of the Graveline nuclear power station, EEL-Energy built a larger 30kW prototype of their undulating flap and tested it off the coast of Brest. UG and Artelia provide resource modelling and scale testing support, while DMEC and EMEC provided full scale test support. BV and IMP provided engineering support. Deftiq published eight E-learning courses that attracted more than 400 users. Finally, Bluespring consolidated all experience and results into a route-to-market approach targeted at policy makers.

The ENCORE partnership has advanced offshore renewable energy solutions and paved the way for a sustainable and resilient future in the marine energy sector. As we bid farewell to this project, the echoes of its achievements will continue to resonate across borders and inspire future endeavours offshore, that’s for sure.
Peter Scheijgrond, Director at Bluespring BV