Transforming Integrated Care in the Community | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën


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Transforming Integrated Care in the Community

Priority Axis

Technological and Social Innovation

Specific objective

Social Innovation

Lead partner

The Health and Europe Centre


Date de début


Date de fin


Project budget

12 573 153

ERDF amount

7 543 892

ERDF rate


    À propos

    Common challenge

    The 2 Seas area faces clinical, social & financial challenges in health and social care as the population ages & public funding decreases. Recruitment & retention of the health and social care workforce in the 2Seas area is challenging & the situation will further deteriorate as the existing workforce ages. This has an impact on quality as perceived by patients. A number of initiatives have been highlighted as innovative but rarely get transferred from one country to another. The causes of these blockages need to be identified & a method developed for overcoming the barriers to transferability. The systems that have developed in the 2 Seas region over the last 20 years have led to the fragmentation of care & a task driven, activity based approach & remuneration.

    TICC will enable countries in the 2Seas area (& later, beyond) to implement successful health & social care innovations quickly in a cost effective, sustainable way.

    Main Achievements

    The primary achievement was the successful completion of the project. The TICC/Buurtzorg Model was successfully implemented in three new countries; Belgium, France, and the UK. A total of 151 TICC Teams were created during the project along with 237 TICC-Inspired Teams, making a total of 388 Teams in total. The coaching and supporting of the existing teams also continued throughout the project lifetime. Lastly, the delivery partners engaged in various actions to foster the spreading of the TICC inspiration to other organisations, leading to the constitution of numerous self-managing teams of care professionals within organisations that do not formally belong to the TICC project.

    Changes to data systems were implemented for all delivery partners, which improved processes for staff and service. The partners who implemented a TICC inspired Electronic Patient Record also continued to invest in development and maintenance of their IT solutions, mainly to maintain their solutions in operational conditions.

    The Blueprint was successfully delivered in 2022 for innovative social service models. The barriers and challenges recorded were analysed and grouped into different categories. Possible solutions were discussed with teams, senior managers, focus groups and as a partnership through policy and front-line roundtable discussions. Solutions identified were documented and were added as part of the blueprint. Barriers & challenges and solutions templates have been created as both local to the country and cross border where similarities were noted.

    The evaluation reports were delivered in early 2023. In the last 12 months of the project, the TICC partnership continued to record the barriers and challenges the partnership had faced while trying to implement the Buurtzorg principles across delivery partner organisations.

    Until the end, the partner dynamic remained excellent, with clear commitment both to improving services locally/regionally/nationally, as well as to creating transferable learning and outputs to benefit the wider EU. Much of the learning from TICC will inspire discussions for future projects and work, within and beyond those involved in TICC itself.


    This job came up for this new project, the TICC project, and I knew it was all about being happy in your work, having time for the patients (…) and it’s kind of getting away from the hierarchy, being in a self-managing team as well, when they told me I’d got the job, I was jumping up and down my joy, it’s just the best thing ever !

    Paula Theobold, Community nurse



    Emmaüs vzw

    Zorgbedrijf Antwerpen


    GHICL - Groupement des Hôpitaux de l'Université Catholique de Lille

    La Vie Active

    Soignons Humain

    VIVAT Service à la personne

    Buurtzorg Concepts and Consultancy B.V.

    Buurtzorg Concepts and Consultancy B.V.

    HZ University of Applied Sciences

    Kent Community Health NHS Foundation Trust

    Kent County Council - KCC

    Medway Community Healthcare CIC

    Public World


    Output title
    URL / Download


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealth care

    Comprehensive evaluation reports on the implementation of the Buurtzorg homecare model in FR, BE and UK

    Type: Feasibility study
    Target: Health institutions


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealth care

    Implementation of the Buurtzorg community homecare model in 3 new countries providing data for blueprint learning

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Health institutions


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealth care

    Implementation of changes to patient data gathering systems following the Omaha logic for better communication between care workers/patients

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Health institutions


    Thème: Innovative social servicesHealth care

    2 Seas specific health & social care system process improvement mapping blueprint

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities