Valorisation of algae for a better taste | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën


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Valorisation of algae for a better taste

Priority Axis

Technological and Social Innovation

Specific objective

Technological Innovation

Lead partner

Eigen Vermogen van het Instituut voor Landbouw en Visserijonderzoek (EVILVO)






Project budget

6 299 503

ERDF amount

3 779 702

ERDF rate



    Common challenge

    To maintain current consumption trends, it was estimated that the world must produce 50-70% more food by 2050. Global algae biomass production amounts at 3M tonnes. In the EU, however, only 0.1 tonne tends to be cultivated with 9% of it for food, compared to 90% globally. Many EU countries allow wild harvesting of seaweed, an unsustainable practice with low quality yields. Additionally, imports of (Asian) algae do not meet EU food safety standards. 
    The key challenge for the ValgOrize project was the controlled sustainable production and processing of high quality, stable, safe algal biomass of known composition. This combined with important food features and a good total palatability including taste, aroma, colour and texture. As such, the project sought to facilitate change in favour of food from the lower trophic regions in the ocean food chain and investment in the sector. 
    The partnership argued that food producers needed a reliable and predictable supply of high-quality biomass and consumers wanted tasty, safe and high-quality products. ValgOrize aimed to close this gap.


    Main Achievements

    The project has realised several main achievements. The obtained outcome is a nice illustration of cross border cooperation. 
    ValgOrize partners selected their preferred seaweeds (3) which were cultivated at medium/large scale under controlled conditions of turbulence, light quality/quantity and nutrient availability. Additionally, 7 microalgae were selected and cultivated under different conditions (light, nutrient limitation) at medium or large scale. 
    An expert sensory panel was trained to recognise typical algae tastes and aromas. In total, 16 participants finished the complete sensory training. 9 microalgae and 6 seaweeds were evaluated by the expert panel. The expertise of the trained panel was used for the evaluation of different algae and eventually product development. 
    Following the analysis, food producers were able to produce high quality (algae)food for the consumers. Partners also performed feed trials with chickens. 
    A study on the existing market for algal food applications was delivered, more research was executed to study the market potential and the key success factors of cultivated seaweeds in the food market. All findings were assembled in two reports.




    VITO NV - Vlaamse Instelling voor Technologisch Onderzoek


    ULCO - Université du Littoral Côte d’Opale

    Université de Lille (ULille)

    HZ University of Applied Sciences

    NWO-I- Stichting Nederlandse Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek Instituten

    Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research (NIOZ)

    Stichting Noordzeeboerderij

    Texel Saline B.V.

    The Seaweed Company B.V.

    Zeewaar B.V.

    Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom

    University of Greenwich - UoG


    Output title
    URL / Download


    Thema: Technological innovationMarine resources

    Demo-plant for Macroalgae

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: SMEs /enterprises


    Thema: Technological innovationMarine resources

    Processed microalgae for the food market - Feasiblity to cultivate microalgae as novel food

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities


    Thema: Technological innovationMarine resources

    Demo-plant for Microalgae

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: SMEs /enterprises


    Thema: Technological innovationMarine resources

    Feed trial: Chicken as converter of beneficial nutritional features and zero waste

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: SMEs /enterprises


    Thema: Technological innovationMarine resources

    Feasibility study of market potential

    Type: Feasibility study
    Target: SMEs /enterprises


    Thema: Technological innovationMarine resources

    Processed microalgae for shipment strategy and feasibility

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: SMEs /enterprises


    Thema: Technological innovationMarine resources

    Pilot Taste Panel

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: SMEs /enterprises