Community Areas of Sustainable Care And Dementia Excellence in Europe | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën


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Community Areas of Sustainable Care And Dementia Excellence in Europe

Priority Axis

Technological and Social Innovation

Specific objective

Social Innovation

Lead partner

The Health and Europe Centre





Project budget

12 573 153

ERDF amount

7 543 892

ERDF rate



    Common challenge

    The 65+ age cohort is rising from 18.2% of the total EU population to 28.7% by 2080, creating an explosion in demand for elderly care services, which tends to not be met appropriately. Patients are often 'parked' in expensive hospital beds as there is no suitable local service provision. Dementia services costs the EU €130bn per year. Additionally, 3 of the 4 2 Seas Member States have higher than average dementia rates (>1.55%). 

    To avoid overwhelming health systems, new approaches were needed for elderly/dementia care (EDC) across all ages with wide applicability across different cultural/social settings which had to be financially sustainable.

    At the moment of CASCADE project approval, new developments had focused on removing the people living with dementia (PLWD) to a safe place rather than providing a porous continuum of care that enables them to stay in their own home as long as possible. The challenge for the project was to provide sustainable person-centred programmes of care support in local communities.

    Main Achievements

    Ageing is one of the major societal challenges and currently there is a gap between the needs of the elderly and the way care services are organised and produced. CASCADE provided a new approach of care to the elderly and people living with dementia (PLWD) with their needs and social interaction at the heart of the model. It integrated them more closely with their local communities and provided an emphasis on PLWD staying in their own homes for as long as possible in a safe and supported way.

    At the end of the project, the CASCADE training programme was developed, modules were delivered via face-to-face sessions, but they are also available as online learning. Training continued to be rolled out within delivery sites until the end of the project. 

    The new facilities were also being nominated for and winning awards. In 2020, Harmony House was shortlisted for a KEIBA (Kent Excellence in Business Award) award, and the Harmonia Village along with the construction company Jenners, who built the facilities, won "Considerate Constructors National Gold Award 2020" for the delivery of the Harmonia Village. The Harmonia Village accepted residents in June 2023.

    The project overall attracted a significant amount of media interest, at a local and national level. Television, radio and newspaper articles have all featured CASCADE. Academic papers have been published and attendance at significant events, such as Alzheimer Europe Conference generated further interest in the project and what was achieved. 
    CASCADE also attracted interest from East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust, site of the Harmonia Village, being asked to present via video conference to participants at the "Integrated and Sustainable Long Term Care Model for Older Adults in Malaysia". The CASCADE final conference was a success with 97 registrations. Project partners worked closely together to discuss the format and agenda of the event, and to form the presentations. Each delivery site developed a short video to demonstrate how the model of care is being implemented at their location.


    “At Cascade and the Heilig Hart, we also feel it is important to engage in a dialogue. The resident and their family take priority in how we operate, we we consistently ask them what they want and need.”
    Emmy Demasure, Heilig Hart, Kortijk, Cascade



    Emmaüs vzw

    Expertisecentrum Dementie Vlaanderen

    Woon en Zorg H. Hart vzw

    Université de Lille (ULille)

    Université de Lille (ULille)

    HZ University of Applied Sciences


    Canterbury Christ Church University

    East Kent Hospitals University NHS Foundation Trust

    Medway Community Healthcare CIC


    Output title
    URL / Download


    Thema: Innovative social servicesHealth care

    Evaluation reports showing the cost savings of the CASCADE approach

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Health institutions


    Thema: Innovative social servicesHealth care

    New holistic model of care for Peple Living With Dementia and the elderly combining sustainable business planning and care delivery

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Health institutions


    Thema: Innovative social servicesHealth care

    New multi-lingual learning package providing training for all people having contact with people living with dementia

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Health institutions


    Thema: Innovative social servicesHealth care

    New facilities for the elderly & People Living With Dementia

    Type: Infrastructure/building
    Target: Citizens


    Thema: Innovative social servicesHealth care

    Suite of telemedicine & technology solutions combining existing technology from health & commercial settings in innovative ways

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Citizens