Clubster Santé | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

Clubster Santé

Framework conditions for innovation

Technological innovation

Social innovation


Clubster Santé is the network of companies in health sector in the Hauts-de-France region (with more than 200 companies), to boost networking, mutualising & information sharing between companies. Clubster Santé is a not-for-profit organisation based in Loos in the North of France. Established in 1991 the organisation has 6 full time employees. The current income stream composes of 50% membership fees from the businesses in its health sector network of 220 businesses and 50% from public-funded projects. Services are tailored to the specific needs of its clients and include workshops, user evaluations, product demo facilities and conference organisation and management. Approximately 60 B2B events, workshops or training sessions are delivered per year.

Creation date: 31/10/2018

Bloc onglets

Bloc 1


Clubster Santé

310 Avenue Eugène Avinée
59120 LOOS


Bloc 2

Type of actor

Business support organisation

Bloc 3

Interest to cooperate

- E-Health - Silver Economy - Innovation in healthcare sector

Bloc 4

Experience in INTERREG project?


Bloc 5


- coordination of the project SEAS 2 Grow (call 2 Interreg 2 SEAS 2016 2020) dedicated to innovation in Silver Economy : 9 partners, 4 years project, 5 WPs, leader in 2 WPs