CASCADE partners promote dementia friendly holidays | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

CASCADE partners promote dementia friendly holidays

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CASCADE partners promote dementia friendly holidays

In Flanders, an estimated 132,000 people have dementia. 70% of them live at home and are cared for by their immediate family or environment. The need to be able to live longer at home and to participate as a full-fledged citizen in society is increasing.

The Flanders Centre of Expertise on Dementia is convinced that people with dementia should have every opportunity to live their life as they wish. One of the aspects of this is going on vacation or participating in a tourist activity. Enjoy together, relax and relieve the stress of daily life.

The Flanders Centre of Expertise on Dementia is a partner in the European Interreg 2 Seas project CASCADE in which new forms of holidays for persons living with dementia are developed. Two Flemish residential care centres, WZH Ten Kerselaere in Heist-op-den-Berg and Zorggroep H. Hart also participate in CASCADE and act as pioneers for dementia friendly tourism. You can find the offer of both centres via the website In addition, this website also offers tips on day trips in the 2 Seas area.