Odisee - research dept DUBiT | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

Odisee - research dept DUBiT

Low-Carbon technologies

Low-Carbon technologies

Framework conditions for innovation


DUBiT - research in construction techniques, real estate and climate control. International program SURETIES - sustainable refurbishment techniques for Industrial enterprises. The research wants to answer following questions: How can we refurbish non or poorly insulated existing industrial buildings in a correct, sustainable, efficient and economical way in order to improve the quality of the building envelope? Focus on improvement of air tightness and diminishing the heat and cold transmission of the construction. How can we stimulate SMEs to invest in low carbon effective refurbishment? The main goals of the research are: Lower impact of CO2 emission. Improve the inner climate of the industrial buildings. Better working conditions (health, comfort) for the employers in the SME buildings which increases the productivity. More work employment in the refurbishment / building sector.

Aanmaakdatum : 29/11/2017

Bloc onglets

Bloc 1


Odisee - research dept DUBiT

Kwalestraat 154
9320 Aalst

Arr. Aalst

Bloc 2

Type of actor

Education/ training centre and school

Bloc 3

Interest to cooperate

The region of the 2 Seas has to deal with the same climate, with slight differences in industrial building technique. The translation of our results will have a positive effect in the cross-border area. We would like to map all important building techniques and test relevant refurbishment tools for each type. A refurbishment guide stuffed with cases of good practice will be delivered. In specific workshops in the area, the design tools are instructed. Together we can formulate an incentive about the energy standard for refurbishing SME buildings in our area. The companies which are involved in these techniques are often international partners. The research will make it easier to design for specific markets and create a bigger area of distribution.