Inclusive Growth On the Road | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

Inclusive Growth On the Road

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Inclusive Growth On the Road

Did you know that Cooperation programmes will be allocating during this programming period around 1.4 billion euros in social policy? Yes, Interreg, IPA and Neighbourhood programmes are also financing projects on employment, labour mobility, education and social inclusion, where health and ageing are tackled.

In 2017, Interact launched the Inclusive Growth thematic network to build capacity among the EU cooperation programmes. Its primary goal is to make available relevant data to better understand the topic, to share practices and to capitalise results. In this framework, Interact jointly with Interreg 2 Seas, Interreg France-Wallonia-Flanders, Interreg Flanders-The Netherlands and Interreg GrandRegion, is organising this meeting. However, this method could be of good example to other areas and therefore exported for next Inclusive Growth meetings.

Last year’s meeting was focused on Inclusive Growth from a general angle. This year, there are two novelties. On one side, it will be devoted specifically to “Health and Ageing”. On the other, it will be based on field visits, as it is the best way to learn and share experiences.

So be ready to hop on the bus and visit 3 projects in the area on health and ageing.

More information is available on the Interact website via the following link: