Reno ReUse | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

Reno ReUse

Reno ReUse

U bent hier

Circular economy


A lot of projects for residential renovation in neighbourhoods and cities are planned and constructed at this moments. Most of these projects use non reusable building materials. Although a lot of materials from agriculture and forestry are available but not widely spread. Nice examples of buildings from reusable materials exists. Moreover, "A Good City has Industry". Urban waste streams can be used for small-scaled production of e.g. insulation material. This project wants to focus on the upgrade of waste to use it in the renovation of dwellings.

Aanmaakdatum : 11/10/2017

Bloc onglets

Bloc 1

Overall objective

The overall objective of this project is to determine and demonstrate the potential of local reusable building materials in neighbourhood and city renovation residential projects.

Bloc 2


We want to develop a generic model and pilots/demos.

Bloc 3

Expected result

We expect that companies will implement the technology

Bloc 4

Cross-border added-value

The cross-border added value is compiling the knowledge and testing in different cities/regions with different context.