Development of International Standards and Certification schemes for Marine Energy Technologies | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën


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Development of International Standards and Certification schemes for Marine Energy Technologies

Priority Axis

Low Carbon Technologies

Specific objective

Low Carbon Technologies

Lead partner

Dutch Marine Energy Centre (DMEC)

Date de début


Date de fin


Project budget

9 284 697

ERDF amount

5 570 818

ERDF rate


    À propos

    Common challenge

    The MET-CERTIFIED project dealt with four main challenges. The first concerns reducing carbon emissions, as, the 2 Seas area has some of the highest per capita greenhouse gas emissions in the world. Therefore, there is a need to shift to non-fossil fuel energy generation. The 2 Seas area is blessed with abundant, yet untapped, resources of energy from tides and waves. The second deals with the increased collaboration between test facilities. There were several marine test facilities in operation or under development in the 2 Seas area (IFREMER, DMEC, PTEC, WaveHUB). However, before the project approval, these test centres did not collaborate, for example on consenting issues, best practices for testing, environmental monitoring and certification. EMEC had most experience to share and therefore joined this project from outside the 2 Seas area. 
    Next, the project sought to take into account innovation capacity. The 2 Seas area has a high density of offshore engineering firms that were looking at marine renewables to diversify their business. There was a need for innovation and cooperation between businesses and knowledge institutions across the Member States to advance the sector. 
    Lastly, MET-CERTIFIED looked to preserve and protect the environment. At several sites across the area, environmental monitoring was placed to understand the impacts of wave and tidal energy projects on the environment. There was, within the project, great opportunity to share best practices. 

    Main Achievements

    The project started in 2017 by organising 5 transnational workshops in the Netherlands, United-Kingdom, France and Belgium to raise awareness about certification.

    In 2018, project partners hosted a seminar on financing and launched a series of video testimonials about the role of certification to get access to funding. Three pilots were reviewed. Recommendation was produced for all 3 pilots and distributed to the Technical Committees of IEC.

    In 2019, experts from project partners organisations advanced several technical specifications and operational documents under the IEC scheme (notably on Technology Qualification and Loads Measurements). Both were published in 2020. 
    The project was showcased at many events organised either by the partnership (ELBE seminars, IEC annual plenary meeting with over 60 experts from 10 countries at NEN) or external events (2 Seas Mid-Term review, the joint workshop with the OPERA-project hosted during All Energy Glasgow). POM published a study on lessons learnt from other industries. 

    At the end of the project, partners reached the following extra achievements, such as the contribution to standardisation and certification, the approval of the ENCORE-2 project or the IEC and IECRE publications. 
    In terms of communication & policy achievements, the Dutch government developed a Roadmap for Energy from Water. DMEC contributed significantly to this process thanks to the MET-Certified project. The partnership presented the project at a conference and a workshop as part of PAMEC 2020 in Costa Rica, leading to new initiatives in Latin America (development of a Letter of Intent). These activities have led to numbers of "target audience reached" exceeding initial targets. 


    MET-CERTIFIED aims to accelerate the certification scheme under development and is capitalising on several tidal demonstration pilot projects where the devices under test are used to inform the improvements to the marine energy standards.



    POM West-Vlaanderen

    Universiteit Gent - Ugent

    Damen Shipyards

    IFREMER - Institut Français de Recherche pour l'Exploitation de la Mer

    Huisman Equipment B.V.

    Stichting Nederlands Normalisatie-instituut

    Tocardo International B.V.

    Tocardo International B.V.


    Lloyd's Register EMEA

    Perpetuus Tidal Energy Centre

    The European Marine Energy Centre Ltd - EMEC


    Output title
    URL / Download


    Thème: Low carbon technologiesEnergy

    International standards and certification schemes

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities


    Thème: Low carbon technologiesEnergy

    Open water pilot certifications (Dam (NL), Floating (NL), Submerged (UK))

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities


    Thème: Low carbon technologiesEnergy

    Reports on barriers and bottlenecks to market uptake to EC and national governments

    Type: Strategy/action plan
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities


    Thème: Low carbon technologiesEnergy

    Tests under controlled conditions in a circulation tank (FR)

    Type: Infrastructure/building
    Target: SMEs /enterprises


    Thème: Low carbon technologiesEnergy

    Multi-use Marine Innovation Site feasibility and implementation study (BE)

    Type: Feasibility study
    Target: SMEs /enterprises


    Thème: Low carbon technologiesEnergy

    Stakeholder events on certification and collaborative innovation & business development

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Maritime industry and logistics sector


    Thème: Low carbon technologiesEnergy

    Best practices for International Open-Water Test Centres

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Business support organisations