Call for proposals | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

Call for proposals

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In the 2014-2020 period, on a regular basis, Interreg 2 Seas invited partnerships to apply for funding. The first call was launched in January 2015. The eight and last one ended in January 2020.

Bloc 1

82 projects over 8 calls

From 173 project proposals, the Monitoring Committee members have approved 82.  

Click here to visit the project database.

Overall, it is a budget of €256 m from the European Regional Development Fund that the Programme has been investing in the 2 Seas area.

Bloc 2

2007-2013 period

During the previous period, the Monitoring Committee of the INTERREG IVA 2 Mers Seas Zeeën Programme selected 86 projects through 9 calls for proposals.

Click here to visit the 2007-2013 project database.