Project Lifecycle | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

Project Lifecycle

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Develop your project

From project idea to the submission of your project. In this section you can read all about how to develop a project and apply for funding in the 2 Seas Programme. Have a look at our online Cooperation corner to post your project idea and find potential partners.

Generate idea

Project generation starts with creating a strong cross-border partnership. Bringing together resources, knowledge and good practice encourages the development of innovative ideas. Eligible project ideas offer concrete solutions to a specific need in the 2 Seas area. Besides, these ideas also contribute to one of the seven Programme Specific Objectives.

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Develop proposal

Developing a project proposal is an interesting but also complex and possibly lengthy process. The Programme has therefore set up specific support from the Territorial Facilitator Network and training and guidance to support applicants. The main features of a successful 2 Seas project are summarised below.

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Interreg 2 Seas launches one or two Calls for Proposals per year. Once launched, you can find specific Call information such as deadlines and selected Programme Specific Objectives in the Terms of Reference. Your entire application is developed, submitted and evaluated through the Electronic Exchange Platform (EEP).

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The selection of projects is taken on the basis of the full Application Form.  Different assessments on eligibility, admissibility and quality precede the Monitoring Committee’s decision.


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Implement your project

This section deals with all you need to know regarding the implementation of your project, from the Initiation stage until project closure. Check out the part on project delivery and reporting for more details on how your project’s performance will be measured.

Initiation stage

The initation stage covers the first six months after project approval. The purpose is to ensure a quick and efficient start of the project. There are several documents that need to be completed and submitted as well as some Programme-project contacts to be set up.

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Delivery and reporting

The delivery and performance of the Programme is depending on those of each of the individual approved projects. That is why the Programme will be closely monitoring how projects quantitatively and qualitatively perform and why there are mechanisms built in to measure project performance at regular basis.

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Project closure consists of two important pillars. First, there are several actions linked to the administrative closure and preparation of the last claim. The second pillar concerns the dissemination of results and ensuring the durability of your project.

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