Efficient Use of Resources and Materials | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

Efficient Use of Resources and Materials

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Achieving an increased adoption of new solutions for a more resource-efficient economy requires the reinforcement of the institutional framework conditions and the capacity of business, public bodies and other stakeholders in society to adopt new models and approaches. Policy-makers and economic actors in charge of developing and implementing resource efficient policies, strategies and business models are among the expected beneficiaries.


Specific Objective 3.1   |   Specific Objective 4.2

Bloc 1

Expected Results

This specific objective responds to the identified need of the 2 Seas area to develop resource-efficiency policies and change attitudes of economic stakeholders to more sustainable behavior in order to decrease the use of the following natural resources and materials:

  • Land and Soil
  • Minerals and metals
  • Water
  • Marine resources

Considering the maritime nature of the programme area, this Specific Objective will pay particular attention to the opportunities connected to the EU Blue Growth strategy which provides room for cooperation among maritime stakeholders in a context of lack of sufficient public resources.

Bloc 2
4.1 - Efficient use of resources and materials

Examples of actions

  • Formulation of approaches (protocols, tools) for green public procurement (GPP) to promote the efficient use of natural resources and materials.
  • Formulation of common agreements and joint action protocols between stakeholders for more sustainable and resource-efficient activities.
  • Establishment of collaborative platforms and services towards the key economic stakeholders to strengthen a more resource-efficient economy.
Bloc 4
  • Adoption of new technological solutions that reduce the use of natural resources and raw materials and encourage bio-based products.
  • Adoption by economic stakeholders in the maritime sector (e.g. ports) of green technologies to increase resource efficiency, for instance by reduction of waste flows or increasing recycling of shipping-related waste.
  • Investment in support of the application of more resource efficient solutions, for instance as part of cross-border pilot initiatives to implement nature-based and green technology solutions.

This list is not exhaustive.