EU Cohesion Policy | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

EU Cohesion Policy

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Interreg 2 Seas is a European Territorial Cooperation (ETC) Programme and therefore an integral part of the European Union’s Cohesion Policy. The aim of the cross-border strand is to overcome national borders and to address common problems or opportunities that would benefit from a common approach. In this respect, territorial cooperation stands out as a key tool in efficiently addressing common challenges.

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In particular, territorial cooperation in the European Union is about reducing disparities between regions, reinforcing cohesion and encouraging optimal economic development. By pooling resources, exchanging knowledge and sharing good practices, cooperation projects improve the day to day lives of people throughout Europe and beyond.


As mentioned above, ETC Programmes such as the Interreg 2 Seas Programme, are part of the European Union’s ‘Cohesion Policy’, which is the principle investment tool to deliver the EU2020 goals.


‘Europe 2020’ is the EU's growth and jobs strategy and the overall framework to which all adopted EU policies should contribute. It is aimed at overcoming the economic crisis, addressing the shortcomings of our growth model and creating the conditions for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth. Five targets have been set for the EU to achieve by the end of 2020. These cover employment; research and development; climate/energy; education; social inclusion and poverty reduction.

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That is why the Cohesion Policy seeks to invest in actions that will have an impact on the creation of growth and jobs, on the issues of climate change and energy dependence and on the reduction of poverty and social exclusion.