Sustainable houses in an inclusive Neighbourhood | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën


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Sustainable houses in an inclusive Neighbourhood

Priority Axis

Low Carbon Technologies

Specific objective

Low Carbon Technologies

Lead partner

Intercommunale Ontwikkelingsmaatschappij voor de Kempen (IOK)


Start Date


End Date


Project budget

6 601 991

ERDF amount

3 961 195

ERDF rate



    Common challenge

    The project originated around the fact that renovation of existing housing proceeds at a very slow pace and the scale of this is reduced due to the age of the stock, different ownership, lack of historical investment, lack of knowledge, neighbourhood deprivation and social exclusion challenges. At this pace, the gap between new energy efficient houses and old energy inefficient houses will continue to widen. The partnership therefore looked forward to address this and enhance community resilience by piloting low carbon technologies and introducing a participation process (for social embedding) in targeted neighbourhoods.

    The challenges faced by partners include increasing energy use, fluctuating prices, fuel poverty, energy security, finite resources, threats to our environment and community resilience. These are issues that cross borders and therefore require a joint approach. In addition, since the partners shared similar maritime climates and housing stock profiles, there were synergies and benefits in sharing solutions. Residential dwellings are a major part in GHG emissions, therefore major reductions are made possible by retrofitting homes and directly engaging with communities to reduce their energy usage.

    Main Achievements

    The SHINE project came to an end in February 2021. It focused on district renovations with a bottom-up approach. Since the start of the SHINE project significant improvements have been achieved. In order to set up a participation process in districts to lower the threshold for district renovations a support base was created. Partners have organised inspiring study trips and a number of meetings with stakeholders (515). So far, a volunteer network of 147 energy experts has been established to guide the families of the district in saving energy. Additionally, 1577 residents have received energy advice. Furthermore, 206 smart meters and 395 monitoring systems were installed to help the families reduce energy and 777 energy kits with energy savers were handed out. At the end of SHINE, the project can disseminate a method with different kind of tools with an instruction of which tools work the best in which kind of district.

    The SHINE project has also been busy with developing a method to guide renovations in a district approach. Therefore 414 energy audits and self-scans were carried out and based on these group purchases of energy saving measures and renewable energy were provided. During the design phase, as during the renovation 158 owners were guided with assistant meetings by professional experts in order to guide them to renovate as close as possible to Nearly-Zero-Energy level.

    Except for the local residents, the local building professionals are a second important target group in the SHINE project. In order to accelerate the quick uptake of building innovations by local building professionals the SHINE partners worked on a joint method to identify the needs of this target group. Based on subsequent analysis, 23 local and 2 cross-border networks were organised. These will help to develop a method to identify the needs of the local building professionals.

    Furthermore, the SHINE partners implemented energy efficient district renovations of their own housing stock. So far 470 dwellings have been renovated. In total 699 dwellings have been renovated, with a total carbon reduction of 174,905 tonnes CO2.


    We are proud that we could do this experiment of sustainable housing with a neighbourhood approach. SHINE has been a great learning experience for future projects in our city and in fact this paved to wa to another similar project implemented in another neighbourhood

    SHINE was great for us because it made us bring the people and resources together to retrofit this 40 unit block occupied by vulnerable energy poor households.

    Thanks to the SHINE project it was our success to extend our skills and to design a new and innovative tool for improving the energy efficiency and the occupant’s comfort in buildings.

    Project partners 



    Kamp C apb

    OCMW Ieper

    Stad Sint-Niklaas

    Thomas More Kempen vzw

    Zonnige Kempen

    ARMINES - Association pour la Recherche et le Développement de Méthodes et Processus Industriels

    CAB - Communauté d’Agglomération du Boulonnais

    Habitat du Littoral

    Parc naturel regional des Caps et Marais d’Opale


    Amicus Horizon

    Brighton and Hove City Council - BHCC

    Citizens Advice 1066

    Energise Sussex Coast Ltd

    Hastings Borough Council



    Output title
    URL / Download


    Theme: Low carbon technologiesEnergy

    Renovated dwellings in partners property in a district approach

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Citizens


    Theme: Adoption of technologiesEnergy

    Method to set up participation process and support base in districts to be renovated

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Local, regional and national authorities


    Theme: Adoption of technologiesEnergy

    Method to guide families of the district by energy experts

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Citizens


    Theme: Adoption of technologiesEnergy

    Method to guide renovations (houses in private ownership) in a district approach

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Citizens


    Theme: Adoption of technologiesEnergy

    Method to guide renovations (in private ownership) to get closer to the NZE level

    Type: Method/service
    Target: Citizens


    Theme: Adoption of technologiesEnergy

    Renovate houses in partners property to get closer to NZE level in district approach

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Citizens


    Theme: Low carbon technologiesEnergy

    Renovated heating systems in residential buildings in partners property in a district approach

    Type: Pilot and demonstration action
    Target: Citizens