3D Metal Printing & Post Processing Demo Day | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

3D Metal Printing & Post Processing Demo Day

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3D Metal Printing & Post Processing Demo Day

In many cases the advantage of 3D printing of metal objects is offset by the required intensive post-processing. The 3D&FPP project investigated the integration of post-processing and 3D metal printing, especially for parts with a high precision requirement. The results will be demonstrated during 3D&FPP Demo Day on September 19, 2019.

The flexible post processing solution consists of an algorithm that is suitable for the current "installed-base" CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machines. The cloud-based algorithm compares the scanned data of a clamped and printed object with the CAD (Computer Aided Design) information, determines the orientation with respect to the clamp and the optimum fit to mill the net shape object with the required tolerance. The CAM NC (Computer Aided Manufacturing Numerical Control) code is adjusted accordingly, resulting in the specific Numerical Control code with which the clamped object can be machined to its net shape.

The flexible post processing algorithm will be demonstrated on 19 September 2019 based on appealing user cases from various disciplines. The live demonstration will also provide insight into the application and technical and economic benefits of the Flexible Post Processing Solution for 3D metal-printed objects.

The Demo Day will be held at RDM Loft, Heijplaat, Rotterdam (NL).

Start 1.30 pm and ends around 4 pm with  networking drinks.

Please register at https://bit.ly/2KWAPx6