Applicant seminars coming up
Applicant seminars coming up
Do you need funding to implement your cross-border project? Don’t miss out on the upcoming applicant seminars. These will be dedicated to help you in developing your Concept Note, which is the first of two steps in our application process.
- Belgium (Ghent) │ 21/02
- England (London) │ 22/02
You can download the Applicant Seminar programmes below this article.
With over 120M EUR of ERDF funds available, Interreg 2 Seas is still offering opportunities to support cross-border cooperation projects in coastal areas in Southern England, Northern France, Flanders and The Netherlands. The funds are accessible to many kinds of organisations: public, private, not-for-profit…
Have a quick look in our key info and find out if your organisation can participate. You can also contact one of our territorial facilitators. They will be happy to help you build a strong proposal.
The first step of the 6th Call for Proposals will run from mid-February until 2 May. You can find more details on the current and future Call for Proposals on this page.