Coming up: Innovation Funding Event

Coming up: Innovation Funding Event
The funding opportunities from the Interreg 2 Seas Programme will be promoted at the Innovation Funding Event in London on 13 September. This event is organised by the GCGP LEP (Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough Enterprise Partnership), together with the Smart Specialisation Hub.
The workshop offers a unique chance to meet potential partners, discuss and further develop your proposal ideas with the aim of submission into the current or next call for proposals.
The following innovation themes will be covered:
- Enhancing research and innovation infrastructure
- Promoting business investment in research and innovation
- Framework conditions for innovation
- Technological innovation
- Social Innovation
- Low Carbon Technology
- Circular economy and resource efficiency
This event is open to potential applicants from the Greater Cambridge Greater Peterborough (GCGP), New Anglia, Hertfordshire and South East LEP areas. If you are interested in any of the above themes, need help with partnership building or want to discuss your project idea, please register now (spaces are limited).
More information and registration: