Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën

Kent Downs AONB

Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Adaptation to Climate Change

Low-Carbon technologies

Efficient use of resources and materials


Kent Downs AONB is part of Kent County Council with extensive Interreg experience in multiple themes including Low Carbon Landscape Management, Landscape and Nature Conservation, Environmental Education, Sustainable Tourism, Sustainable Transport, Remote Technologies, Health and Wellbeing, Woodfuels, and BioEnergies.

Aanmaakdatum : 20/07/2016

Bloc onglets

Bloc 1


Kent Downs Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty

Kent Downs AONB UNit
Penstock Hall
East Brabourne
TN25 5LL
Groot Brittannië


Bloc 2

Type of actor

Local public authority

Bloc 3

Interest to cooperate

We are currently not actively seeking a project but will soon be looking for new projects across a broad range of themes in landscape management themes.

Bloc 4

Experience in INTERREG project?


Bloc 5


We have over 20 years experience in Interreg projects both as Lead Partner and as participating partner.