Perinatal Mental Health | 2 Mers Seas Zeeën


Perinatal Mental Health

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Social innovation


The project is looking for higher education and research partners in both Belgium (Flanders) and the Netherlands. I represent both. I have extensive practice and research experience in the area of maternal perinatal mental health (PhD project WazzUp Mama). In addition, we are about to start (15 September 2017) the MEtoWE project that aims to investigate how to support postpartum women in finding, re-establishing and strengthening thier life balance during this period.

Aanmaakdatum : 13/09/2017

Bloc onglets

Bloc 1

Overall objective

WazzUp Mama: development and testing of an antenatal intervention to prevent and reduce maternal distress MetoWE: a 4-year project to investigate how to support postpartum maternal life balance

Bloc 2


1. International collaboration 2. Sharing knowledge and expertise 3. Training modules/ programmes (including eLearning) through evidence to be translated for education of midwifery students, practising midwives, other designated healthcare professionals (e.g. nurses) and peer supporters 4. Innovative research 5. Creating support groups and/ or supportive tools (online and offline)

Bloc 3

Expected result

1. A proven health service model or framework 2. A proven education module/ programme 3. Raising (cultural/ community) awareness

Bloc 4

Cross-border added-value

Strengthening partners' knowledge and expertise.